Source for Sports is the largest buying group for hockey in Canada, and as a member, The Hockey Shop is proud to provide exceptional service—and exceptional exclusives.
Source Exclusive hockey gear is an ongoing and consistently updated collaboration between Source for Sports and the biggest manufacturers on the market, including Bauer, CCM, True and Warrior. Every year, owners from partnered stores across Canada come together with those manufacturers to design improved catalogue models using tech from high-end gear.
It’s exactly as it sounds: better gear for the same price!
That’s right—the gear in this category includes top-of-the-line features while still sitting at the same price point as the original. With Source Exclusive products, you get brand-name products with upgraded features at an unbeatable price.
Along with the obvious performance upgrades, as the name implies, these unique designs are exclusive to Source for Sports member locations, including The Hockey Shop.

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